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First yarn dyeing attempt using Kool Aid! – Part 2

So it’s done! We had a beautifully sunny day on Saturday so it was the perfect opportunity to do the dyeing as I didn’t want to completely destroy my kitchen by doing it inside. I set up a dyeing area outside in our garden, laying a bin bag over the table and then covering that with cling film. Here’s the steps I took:

  • Laid the yarn carefully on top of a sink full of tepid water which had a couple drops of washing up liquid in it.
  • Left the yarn to sink to the bottom by itself (about 30 minutes)
  • While the yarn was soaking I prepared the dye by mixing 1 packet of kool-aid per 8oz
  • Once the yarn was soaked through I carefully pressed down on it to get rid of any final bubbles that were trapped within the yarn.
  • Lifted the yarn out of the sink, carefully and gently squeezing the yarn to get rid of some of the water
  • Laid the yarn in a circle on the table
  • Created a very basic guide to help me space the colours properly
  • Took the first colour and poured it wedge-style onto the chosen sections of the circle.
  • Gently rub the mixture through the yarn, lifting and making sure the underneath is coated as well
  • To finish each colour I took the spray gun section of a normal squirty bottle and had it’s end in the measuring jug holding the juice, this way I could carefully and accurately get the remaining spots of white with the colour
  • Work through the rest of the colours in the same way
  • Wrap the yarn in the cling film, folding it over itself so the yarn is separated in layers from the other sections of the yarn (so colour doesn’t mix)
  • Put the whole thing in a microwavable bowl and in the microwave on high for 2 minutes, then rest for 2 minutes and then put it on high for another 2 minutes. You should find the water in the bowl is clear at this point, if not then after a 2 minute rest pop it on high for another 2 minutes.
  • Leave it to cool COMPLETELY. I found this bit very hard to do, I really wanted to unwrap my yarn and see it but if you do there is a chance you’ll felt your yarn and then it will be ruining, so leave it til it’s cooled
  • Fill the sink with water that is the same temperature as your cooled yarn and carefully push your yarn around in it a bit
  • Pull the yarn out, gently sqeezing it and then hang it up to dry

And ta-da… the finished product…

The full process has been put on my flickr here

And on Ravelry you’ll find me as Lacuna 🙂

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First yarn dyeing attempt using Kool Aid!

So I’ve done it, I’ve just bought some undyed yarn and some kool aid online and both packages should be at my door before the end of next week! I saw so many peoples drool-worthy yarn made with kool aid that I couldn’t hold out any longer. It looks pretty straightforward and there are good tutorials out there for it, not to mention Ravelry and the dye-based groups on there.

So I should have started out simple, but no, I saw a yarn with such beautiful colours (pink, purple, light brown, a bit of grey and a bit of bluey-green) and so loaded up with 7 packages of kool aid and some lovely looking merino sock yarn.

Picture courtesy of Violet Green

Socrates Merino Sock Yarn from Violet Green

I bought the Socrates Merino Sock Yarn from Violet Green and the Kool Aid from KoolaidWorld. I ordered 2 of grape, ice blue raspberry, pink lemonade, and 1 of orange. I am a bit worried as (and it figures even after all the research I did) I just found another article that says to get a vibrant purple (which I want) it is better to use a red + blue instead of just grape… well it’s too late now, I’ve made my order so we’ll see what happens with the grape!

Now I just sit and wait for my deliveries!

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Fingerless Gloves

Really quick and easy fingerless gloves pattern

Fingerless Gloves pattern
Fingerless Gloves pattern
Fingerless Gloves pattern

Things you need:

– 100g DK weight yarn
– 4mm needles

Stitch Definitions

KFB (Knit in front and back)
– Good tutorial here: How to KFB

PFB (Purl in front and back)
– Good video on here (scroll down to PFB definition) How to PFB

C4F (4st Cable at front)
– Slip next 2 sts off left needle onto a cable needle at the front of the work, k2, knit 2 stitches from cable needle

C4B (4st Cable at back)
– Slip next 2 sts off left needle onto a cable needle at the back of the work, k2, knit 2 stitches from cable needle

SKPO (Slip 1, knit 1, pass slip stitch over)
– Slip next stitch onto right hand needle, k1, pass slipped st over knit st

Left Cable Pattern
Row 1: k7, p2, k8, p2, k25
Row 2: p25, k2, p8, k2, p7
Repeat rows 1 & 2 once
Row 5: k7, p2, c4f, c4b, p2, k25
Repeat row 2
Repeat row 1 and 2 again

Right Cable Pattern
Row 1: k25, p2, k8, p2, k7
Row 2: p7, k2, p8, k2, p25
Repeat rows 1 & 2 once
Row 5: k25, p2, C4F, C4B, p2, k7
Repeat row 2
Repeat row 1 and 2 again


Left Thumb

CO 22 sts

Row 1: K2 * p2, k2 * (Repeat from *-* to end)
Row 2: P2 * k2, p2 * (Repeat from *-* to end)

Repeat Row 1 once more

Row 4: Rib 14 sts, cast off 8 sts, put the 14 remaining sts on a holder

Put sts on a holder for later

Left glove

CO 42 sts

Row 1: K2 * p2, k2 * Repeat from *-* until end
Row 2: P2 * k2, p2 * Repeat from *-* until end

Repeat Row 1 once more

Row 4: Rib 29 sts, pfb, rib 2, pfb, rib until end (44 sts)

Rows 5 – 12: Knit one full round of the left cable pattern

Row 13: Left cable pattern for 22 sts, cast of 6 sts, knit to end

Row 14: Purl 16 sts, purl across 14 thumb sts from stitch holder, continue in cable pattern until end (52 sts)

Row 15: Left cable pattern for 22 sts, skpo, k10, k2tog, knit to end

Row 16: Cable pattern

Row 17: Cable pattern 22 sts, skpo, k8, k2tog, knit to end

Row 18: Cable pattern

Row 19: Cable pattern 22 sts, skpo, k6, k2tog, knit to end

Row 20: Cable pattern

Row 21: Cable pattern 1 st, skpo, k4, k2tog, knit to end

Row 22: Cable pattern

Continue pattern until it reaches just past the bottom of your palm with RS facing

Knit 1 row

* k2, p2 * Repeat from *-* to end
* p2, k2 * Repeat from *-* to end
Repeat last two rows 4 more times

Cast off loosely. Done one glove!


Right Thumb

CO 22 sts

Row 1: K2 * p2, k2 * (Repeat from *-* to end)
Row 2: P2 * k2, p2 * (Repeat from *-* to end)

Repeat Row 1 once more

Row 4: Cast off 8 sts, rib to end, put the 14 remaining sts on a holder

Right glove

CO 42 sts

Row 1: K2 * p2, k2 * Repeat from *-* until end
Row 2: P2 * k2, p2 * Repeat from *-* until end

Repeat Row 1 once more

Row 4: Rib 11 sts, kfb, rib 2, kfb, rib until end (44 sts)

Rows 5 – 12: Knit one full round of the right cable pattern

Row 13: K16, cast off 6 sts, continue in pattern until end

Row 14: Cable pattern for 22 sts, purl across 14 thumb sts from stitch holder, purl until end (52 sts)

Row 15: Knit 16 sts, skpo, k10, k2tog, cable pattern to end

Row 16: Cable pattern until end

Row 17: Knit 16 sts, skpo, k8, k2tog, cable pattern to end

Row 18: Cable pattern until end

Row 19: Knit 16 sts, skpo, k6, k2tog, cable pattern to end

Row 20: Cable pattern until end

Row 21: Knit 16 st, skpo, k4, k2tog, cable pattern to end

Row 22: Cable pattern until end

Continue pattern until it reaches just past the bottom of your palm with RS facing

Knit 1 row

* k2, p2 * Repeat from *-* to end
* p2, k2 * Repeat from *-* to end
Repeat last two rows 4 more times

Cast off loosely, two sides done!


Join cast off sts of thumb to cast off sts of main glove pieces.

You’re done!